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Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Tyler Anthony Brown, 29, was arrested this morning on a warrant for impersonating a police officer when he was arrested outside his History class at the University of Florida on March 5.
According to a sworn complaint filed by the University of Florida Police Department, when officers arrested him outside a UF classroom on several warrants, Brown allegedly told the officers that he was a military police officer in the reserves and was assigned to the 317th Military Police. When an officer asked if he was on active duty, he allegedly said, “Yes, I am.”
When an officer asked him to clarify, Brown alleged said he was in the Army reserves and was a military police officer in the 317th. The officer asked if he was currently assigned to the 317th, and Brown allegedly said, “Yes, I am.”
Brown was reportedly carrying an expired military ID and a military police badge.
A UFPD officer reached out to the Army Criminal Investigations Department and reportedly learned that Brown was fully separated from the Army in 2021 and is not in the reserves or National Guard.
The officer also spoke with the 317th Military Police and reportedly learned that there is no record of Brown’s service with that unit.
Brown has been charged with falsely impersonating a law enforcement officer and unlawful use of uniforms, medals, or insignia due to claiming to be an active-duty reserve member of the U.S. Army and possessing a military police badge.
Formal charges have already been filed in the case, and Judge David Kreider issued a warrant for Brown’s arrest, with bail set at $2,500.
Following his arrest on March 5, Brown posted $115,000 bail and was released on March 6. He is now facing four felonies and two misdemeanors.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.