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Some students at Bell Isle Enterprise Middle School, between the ages of 10 and 12, are completing a STEAM project aimed at assisting children with special needs. Specifically, they are working on rewiring toys to make them more accessible for individuals with fine motor skill challenges.
Jack, a student involved in the project, expressed how fulfilling it is to be able to make a difference while enjoying the process. The students are part of the Odyssey Leadership class, comprised of fifth and sixth graders, who have collaborated in groups to undertake this project focusing on adapting toys to be usable by all.
The task involves transitioning toys from small, intricate buttons to larger, more manageable ones. This modification enables children with varying abilities to interact and play with these toys without restrictions.
“We have children that struggle with the fine motor skills so they don’t have the ability to pinch their finger and thumb together,” teacher Sally Berry said.
Berry has been a teacher for 21 years, and she’s been overseeing this class and project to help the kids through each step, if needed.
“They’ve had such a blast doing it,” she said.
Of course, it hasn’t come without some hiccups.
“It’s kind of tricky,” a student named Aliyah said.
“It’s tricky to handle the wires and stripping the wire,” another student named Ma’laih said.
However, they’re adapting and overcoming to help out.
“We are opening doors for those who cannot reach the handle, and so they are just thriving on their leadership skills and problem solving and just really trying to figure out what they can do to help their community out,” Berry said.
The students are wrapping up the project Thursday with plans to deliver the toys to two elementary schools Friday. They also plan to visit Average Joe’s, which is a local employer for people of all abilities.